Presteigne Wastewater Treatment Works : Project Updates


In Presteigne, Wales Colloide partnered with Welsh Water on Presteigne Wastewater Treatment Work. This project involved a 3m3 Tank 2 Pump Chemical Dosing System to satisfy the phosphorus removal requirements of the project. The chemical dosing system consists of a chemical storage tank, chemical fill point and dosing kiosk. The main goal of the project was to optimise wastewater treatment processes.

This extensive undertaking not only guarantees improved quality of treated wastewater for customers. This also plays a significant role in enhancing the overall river quality in Presteigne and its adjacent environment. The £8 million investment underscores Welsh Water’s dedication to upgrading wastewater infrastructure for the betterment of both the local community and environmental health.

Production and Design

The outset of the Presteigne Chemical Dosing project showcases exceptional achievements in both production and design. With a united effort from Colloide, Welsh Water, and Morgan Sindall Construction, the Chemical Dosing system has been meticulously developed, meeting rigorous industry standards. At Colloide, our collaboration with Colloide Site Services (CSS) allows us to preassemble equipment off-site, significantly reducing on-site construction time for a more efficient installation process.


The implementation of the Presteigne Chemical Dosing System has proven to be highly successful. Colloide carried out the installation in accordance with the Method Statement and Risk Assessment. Colloide is responsible for delivering a 3m³ chemical tank and bund via a delivery truck, with separate arrangements outlined in a Lift Plan for the offloading and positioning of the tank. The tank and bund are precisely aligned and leveled as per the GA drawing. Meanwhile, the dosing kiosk is delivered as a self-contained cabinet, housing the dosing skid, control panel, and distribution boards. The provision of mains power to the distribution board within the kiosk is the responsibility of the Main Contractor. Colloide operate within a “dead” system, and the Client Site Engineer determines site access points and clearly specifies the equipment’s set-down locations upon arrival.

Testing and Commissioning

To ensure a smooth and efficient commissioning process, it was vital to have the client commissioning engineer present on-site before commencing commissioning activities. This proactive approach guaranteed that any issues could be promptly addressed. After the testing phase, which included Pressure Testing and Hydrostatic Testing completed on the system, it was equally important to sign the Site Acceptance Test (SAT) documents and document any snags to maintain the quality and integrity of the infrastructure. Additionally, prior to initiating any pressure testing, it was essential to obtain the necessary permit from the site manager or engineer. These precautionary steps reflect our unwavering commitment to delivering high-performance infrastructure that play a pivotal role in enhancing water supply and wastewater management, ensuring the reliability and effectiveness of our systems.

Preseigne Wastewater Treatment, Chemical Dosing, Welsh Water, Colloide

Why choose Colloide?

We provide custom-designed systems tailored to specific site and client requirements. With established relationships with a wide array of component suppliers and access to cutting-edge technologies, we offer adaptable standard packaged systems that reduce on-site work. Moreover, our commitment to health, safety, and environmental protection, including bunding, dual containment, splash protection, leak detection, and comprehensive training, ensures your peace of mind. Click here to find out more about our Chemical Dosing Systems.

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